Our Wall
The New York City Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Our Wall, was dedicated on the night of May 6, 1985. The next day, 25,000 veterans of the war marched in the "Welcome Home" parade, the largest ticker-tape parade in New York City history. It stands as a symbol of New York City's honor and recognition of the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War
If you are able,
save them a place inside of you and save one backward glance when you are leaving for the places they can no longer go.
Be not ashamed to say
you loved them, though you may or may not have always.
Take what they have left
and what they have taught you with their dying
and keep it with your own.
And in that time when men decide and feel safe to call the war insane, take one moment to embrace those gentle heroes
you left behind.
Major Michael Davis O’Donnell. Helicopter pilot.
Shot down March 24, 1970 while trying to rescue eight soldiers.
Missing; Later declared killed in action.
Dear Folks,
I'm still here at the 22nd Replacement Center. I'll probably ship out tonight or tomorrow, where to I don't yet know.Things are still quiet-no trouble whatsoever. It's really funny seeing guys going home and I'm just getting here. All the guys I talked to were infantry. They seem very sad even though they are going home. I guess they saw a lot...... As one guy said,"You got fight it to know it"......... Bill Nelson VVA126
"One thing worries me...
Will people want to hear about it?
Or will they want to forget the
whole thing ever happened..."
Lt. J R Richard Strandberg
6 Jul 67
Dear Mom and Dad,
When I think about the
hell I've been through
the last few days I can't
help but cry. This was
the worst battle as far
as losses are concerned
that this company has
experienced.... I'm not
able to go into details
now, I just wanted to
tell you I'm OK....
Red, 17 Sept 69
...Anyone over here who
walks through elephant
grass should get a Purple
Heart. Imagine grass
eight to fifteen feet
high so thick as to cut
vivibility to one yard,
razor sharp edges...
Imagine walking through
it while all around you
are men who want to kill
you. You'd be amazed at
how much a man can age on
one patrol....
I still remember that poor woman who came up to me the day we were rededicating our wall and said she wanted to thank me for including her son's name on the new pillars that we included in our new Memorial Plaza. She was wearing some kind of a sign with her son's name on it. I was busy and a bit distracted by the events going on around me and I said to her in a bit of a dismissive way, "No thanks is necessary". "What's your son's name?". It was then that I noticed that this woman was wearing the other sign on her back. She told me she had two son's whose names we placed on our memorial. I felt at that moment like I has been hit with a ton of bricks as the reality hit of the loss this poor woman suffered. If it wasn't for my wife who saw the expression on my face, calling me, distracting me, I think I would have lost it. To this day, I am bothered by that event. No Children, No grandchildren, No Valentine cards, NADA, just memories. What a damn shame.
Joe Graham, President VVA Chapter 126
Some people live
An entire lifetime
And wonder if
They have ever
Made a difference
In the world.
A veteran doesn’t
Have that problem
Ronald Reagan
I have done things
That haunt me at night
So you can sleep in peace
I have been away from
my family for a long time
so that yours can be safe
I have sacrificed
A lot of my life
So that you can live free
I have done these things
Because I have sworn an oath
To my country
And I will live by this oath
Until I die
Because I am and will always be an American Veteran